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Superintendent News 3/29/11

March 29, 2011

Dear Bullock Creek Families,

I hope you have enjoyed your Spring Break and are refreshed and ready to finish the 2010-2011 school year on a strong note.

As you are aware, as of March 24th we have reached our seventh day of no school due to inclement weather and a power outage.  State law allows school districts to forgive 6 days of instruction due to conditions not under our control.  So, in order to be in compliance with the law, we will have a normal day for staff and students on April 29th which was a previously scheduled Professional Development Day for teachers. June 10 will become the Professional Development Day for teachers and the Work Day for teachers previously scheduled on June 10th will be moved to June 13th.

The bottom line change for BC families is that April 29th now becomes a regular school day.

There is a companion State law which dictates a minimum number of instructional hours that we must provide.  We are in compliance with that law at this time.  We will have to watch our number of hours very closely if we have any more delays due to fog, etc.  Obviously, this also means that if we have any other canceled school days, for any reason, we will need to make those days up.  So…please lay off the Snow Day Dances!!!

If you have any questions in regard to this or any other concerns for that matter, please feel free to contact me at any time (charlie.schwedler@bcreek.k12.mi.us or 989-631-9022)

Take care.

Charles F. Schwedler
Bullock Creek Schools

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