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Today at BCMS

There will be a meeting for all 8th graders that would like to wrestle next year in 9th grade during lunch on Wednesday in the Care Center.

Bring in your pennies because the staff is challenging the students to a penny war and the winner gets a big surprise! The donations will go to the Walk for Kate organization that supports brain tumor research. Lets have some fun competition and help out a great cause at the same time!  Penny War ends on Thursday, May 24th.

Walk for Kate shirts are available for $10.  See Mrs. Brandt.  Also, plan on joining her and others Friday, May 25th to take a walk in the sunshine and bring awareness to brain tumor research.

Interested in AVIATION?  Then the Midland Aviation Camp is for you !  All students going into 9th through 12th grade in the fall are invited to attend Aviation Camp at the Midland Jack Barstow Airport June 11 – 15th.    Aviation Camp offers an introduction to the aviation and space world through hands activities, demonstrations, interactions with local pilots and a field trip tot he MBS Airport at Freeland.   More more information see Mrs. Fermoyle in counseling office.

Bullock Creek Volleyball Summer Camps Registration Forms are in the office and are due by June 10th.

The last day for students to check out library books is May 18.  All books are due back to the library on May 25!  If students have not returned all their books by the end of the year they will not receive their report card or yearbook.  They need to return the books or see Mrs. Brege to make arrangements to pay for them.

All play cast members need to see Mrs. Brandt to purchase a DVD for $1 last day to purchase is Wednesday, May 23.

Northern Lanes free bowling passes are in the office.

Lunch tomorrow:  Bacon Cheeseburger or Pizza, tator tots, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk

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