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Principal News Floyd Elementary 5/25/12

1. Our end of the year field day and picnic is scheduled for Wednesday, June 6, 2012. As in the past the school will furnish the hot dogs, chips and cookies. We would like each grade level to help by furnishing one of the following:

Kindergarten and First Graders – String Cheese
Second and Third Graders – Children’s Yogurt (GoGurt, Danimals, etc.)
Fourth and Fifth Graders – Small bottled water

The picnic will begin at 11:00 a.m. and field day will begin 9:30 a.m. Parents and other family members are welcomed and encouraged to attend!

2. On June 5th two very important documents will be coming home with your child. Please check your child’s bag on this day as we will be sending home a special reading log and reading passport. No child will want to miss out on this opportunity!

3. A reminder that our last day of school, June 7th, will be a half day. We will dismiss all students at 12:40 p.m.

4. A reminder that the Bullock Creek Class of 2012 will graduate tonight. Congratulations to all of our graduates.

5. The last day for teacher requests is May 30th. Requests given after that date will not be honored.

Have a safe and fun long weekend and a BIG thanks to all of the veterans from whom Memorial Day is for. We greatly appreciate your sacrifice.


Rodney Dishaw, Ed.S.
Principal, Floyd Elementary School
District Liaison, McKinney/Vento Homeless Act
725 S. Eight Mile
Midland, Michigan 48640
ph: 989.832.2081
fax: 989-832-4029

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