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Remember- all books are now due back to the library!

Cheerleading tryout packets are at Mrs. Copus’ desk.  Tryouts are today and tomorrow in the main gym.

There will be a Segment I drivers ed class starting June 11 at The Rock.  Segment II drivers ed will start June 25 at The Rock.  For registration and more information go to:  kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com.

Did you forget to purchase your 2011-2012 yearbook?  Lucky for you, there are 38 copies left–but they are going fast!  There is no guarantee that there will be extra books to purchase when they are delivered next fall, so get your $60.00 to Mrs. Discher today!

If you are really the forgetful type, maybe you forgot to purchase a 2010-2011 yearbook, too!  It really is your lucky day, because there are a few copies of this awesome book of memories left.  Bring your $60 check made out to BCHS to Mrs. Discher before school’s out, and get your own 2010-2011 yearbook to enjoy for years to come!

The Track banquet will be Monday, June 4th at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.  Please see the track board for details.

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