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Principal News Middle School 5/30/12

Good Morning,

Attached is a schedule for the last day of school which is June 7th.  Students will be released at 11:00 am

There is also an attachment for some summer programs for the Midland Center for the Arts. teenFlyer2012 – theatre focus DA (PDF)

I have received a few emails in the last couple days regarding grades for Mr. Krenzke’s classes.  If your child is in 7th or 8th grade, grades may not be updated in Keyboarding at this point.  I have been working with our long term sub,  Mr. King to make sure that all grades are inputted next week.  Thank you all for your flexibility.

8th Grade recognition is tomorrow night at 6:30pm in the high school auditorium.  As discussed with all 8th grade students in March, we would like students to dress in business casual attire that aligns with our school dress code policy.  We appreciate you assistance with this.

Students interested in 7th or 8th grade girls basketball for the fall can now sign up in the main office.  We will begin participating with the Midland Community Center for boys and girls basketball, girls volleyball and wrestling.  These programs will be open to 7th and 8th grade students.

We are currently looking for coaches that will be paid through the Midland Community Center.  If you are interested, please contact me at 631-9260.

Mr. Hale 



 1st Hour                                7:40-8:02

2nd Hour                               8:06-8:28

3rd Hour                               8:32-8:54

4th Hour                               8:58-9:20

5th Hour                               9:24-9:46

6th Hour                               9:50-10:12

Year Book                           10:12-11:00

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