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Hey all 2012-13 student council members!  Yep…the new council memebers!  There will be a full council meeting on Thursday June 7 at 7:15 a.m. in Mrs. DuBois’s room–7B.  Attendance is mandatory as there will be announcements for summer plans.  Be there!

ALL ITEMS must be removed from lockers before you leave Thursday.  Any items remaining in any locker will be thrown away!!!

The golf banquet scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled.  It will not be rescheduled.  Please turn in your shirts and jackets to the main office.

Those students who will be co-oping next year will need to see Mrs. Flaminio by Thursday for some important information.

Be sure to get your $60.00 to Mrs. Discher today if you would still like to purchase your 2011-12 yearbook.  You can also purchase a 2010-11 yearbook for $60. from Mrs. Discher
in room 5E.

Reminder to all women and mens’ basketball players that summer camp begins next Monday, June 11th and your money is coming due to Coach Freeland.  Anyone who still wants information on summer basketball can see Mr. Freeland in room 7D.  There will be no open gym tomorrow night.

BC Archery Club members will be meeting at the MidMichee Bowman’s Club on Friday, June 8 at 6pm.  Bring your bow and shoot for prizes!  Please contact Trini Brisson to RSVP at Bullock Creek facebook page or 233-0009.

West Midland Family Center is looking for high school students to work as assistant group leaders during their Summer Day Camp from June 19 to August 2.  Contact Gail at 832-3256 or their web-site – wmfc.org – for a volunteer job description and application.

No school tomorrow.  See you Thursday for 1st, 2nd, and 6th hour exams.


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