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Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary 6/7/12

Hello BCEL Parents!

News and Notes:

1- A big thank you to all of our parent volunteers for helping out with
filed day.  What a great day we had!

2- The Floyd Elementary library will be open throughout the summer.   This
is open to all Bullock Creek Students.   Students have an opportunity to
earn free books based on the number of books they read.  Please see the
attached letter and flyer the Floyd Elementary sent to their parents for
more information. Floyd Library

3- Please see attached newsletter and reading list from Mrs. Walters our
Librarian. Suggested Reading List for Students  3rd trimester library newsletter2012

4- Please see the attached flyer from Family Video. Family Video

5- Please see the attached flyer regarding the American Girl Fashion show. american girl

6- Look for summer letters with teacher assignments and open house
information to go out around the 2nd week of August.

Thank you for a wonderful year!  We have enjoyed working with your children
and will miss them over the summer.  Enjoy summer break and we will see you
in the fall!

Vicki Mikusko
Bullock Creek Elementary Principal
Bullock Creek Special Education Coordinator
631- 2418 ext 1105

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