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Principal News High School 8/14/12

August 2012

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back to another exciting year at Bullock Creek High School. I hope you have had a relaxing summer break and are ready to return for another year of learning and student activities. I know the staff and administration of Bullock Creek High School are looking forward to the upcoming school year.

Schedule pick up and locker assignments will be handed out on Tuesday, August 21st. Students should use the following schedule to pick up their schedule for 2012-13 and get their locker assignment:

Seniors – 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Juniors – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Sophomores – 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Freshmen – 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Students should not arrive earlier than their schedule time. Siblings may come at the same time for schedule pick-up and locker assignment. If a student cannot make it during their schedule time period, they may come during a later time period. Schedules can also be picked up after August 21 in the high school office.

Schedule changes (drops and/or adds) for the entire year must be made in the fall beginning August 21st. Students should check their schedule carefully and contact counseling with any questions. We will be on the same two semesters schedule as last year so students should be signed up for 12 total classes (6 per semester). Schedule changes will only be made if there is a schedule conflict or a scheduling error. No schedules will be changed after the fall deadline of September 6, 2012.

Counselors will hold a scheduling/orientation meeting for any new student to Bullock Creek High School, excluding incoming freshmen from Bullock Creek Middle School, during the following time:

Wednesday, August 22 at 1:00 p.m. in the Media Center

The first student day is on Tuesday, September 4th.  School starts at 7:53 a.m. and ends at 2:38 p.m., which is the same as last year.

There will be a parking fee again this school year for all students choosing to drive to school. The fee for an entire school year is $30. Each parking spot has a number and each student will be assigned a specific parking spot for the entire school year. All students will need to fill out a new Request for Driving Privilege form. This form has been included with this letter. Students can fill out the Request for Driving Privilege form and bring it to the schedule pickup/locker assignment date on Tuesday, August 21st. Students can also pay the parking fee on this day. Specific parking assignments will be handed out on the first day of school, which means for the first day of school students may park in any spot. After the first day of school, students will be required to park in their assigned parking spot. No parking spot will be assigned prior to payment being received.

I will continue communicating via the high school list serve to parents/guardians. If you were on the list serve last year, you should not have to do anything to receive my e-mails. Incoming freshmen that were on the middle school parent list serve will have their e-mails moved to the high school list serve. I also have sent this letter using the high school list serve. If you have not received this letter via e-mail from me, please send me an e-mail at todd.gorsuch@bcreek.k12.mi.us and I will make sure you are added to the high school list serve.

School view, the web-based method for viewing your child’s grades and attendance, will continue to be used at the high school. This is an excellent way to keep up to date on your student’s grades and attendance. If you do not have access to school view for your student, please contact the high school office. If you used school view at the middle school, your sign in information should be the same. I really would like to encourage all parents/guardians to take advantage of this wonderful way to keep informed of how your student is doing.

There have been just a few changes in staffing since we left for the summer. We will be welcoming a new English teacher to the high school. Mr. Leroy Zagata will be joining the high school staff replacing Mrs. Jennifer Collison. We will also be hiring a new Family and Consumer Science teacher to replace Mrs. Bev Toth, who recently resigned. In addition, Mrs. Sarah LeBoeuf will be teaching an additional art class at the high school in addition to her teaching middle school art classes. We look forward to what these new teachers will be able to offer the staff and students at BCHS.

I know this is the time of year that many students and families do back to school shopping for new clothes. You can see the entire dress code by viewing the high school student handbook, which is available on the Bullock Creek web page (www.bcreek.k12.mi.us). Please take a minute to read through the policy, especially if you are coming from the middle school or a different high school. There are a couple important things to remember when looking at what clothing is appropriate for school. Shirts must have sleeves and cover the student’s mid-section at all times. Also with shirts, watch out for low cut tops. For shorts/skirts/dresses, they should be long enough to reach the students fingertips when their arms are placed at their sides, this includes while a student is walking or sitting.  Please also remember that spandex, yoga, and excessively tight clothing is not appropriate for school as well. The dress code has been developed to make school a positive learning environment for everyone while also taking into account individual student dressing styles. If you have any questions about the dress code, please contact Mr. Tomko or myself at the high school office.

Enclosed you will also find a school calendar and a daily schedule. Please read and post for future reference. There are many athletic events that will take place prior to the start of the school year. The Homecoming football game is September 28, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

I am really looking forward to the opportunity to work with the wonderful staff, students, and parents at BCHS. You can always contact me by e-mail (todd.gorsuch@bcreek.k12.mi.us), phone (989-631-2340) or by dropping by the office.  Enjoy the rest of the summer. I look forward to seeing everyone on September 4th although I am sure I will see many of you on Tuesday, August 21st during schedule pick up and locker sign up.




Todd M. Gorsuch, Principal

Bullock Creek High School

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