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There will be a brief meeting in the cafeteria after school on Thursday for all girls interested in playing a nice, peaceful game of Powder Puff Football to kick off Homecoming Week.  You will receive permission slips and rules at this meeting.  The Powder Puff game will be held Saturday, September 22 at 5 pm on the football field.  Admission is $2 and sport passes will NOT be honored.

There will be a Robotics meeting on Monday from 3:00-4:00 in room 4A.  New members are welcome.  If you cannot attend Monday’s meeting please see Mrs. Doud in room 2A for information.

Attention all Student Council Members!  Don’t forget to check your mailbox in Mrs. DuBois’ classroom, room 7B.  Also, our first meeting of the school year is Tuesday morning at 7:00. 
See you all there!

Delta College will be here on Wednesday, September 12, at 10 am.  Please sign up in the counseling office to attend this meeting.

Students are asked to use the Badour Road drive when exiting school for the day.

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