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Students – The first round of Homecoming elections will be held tomorrow before school in the cafeteria.

HUGE CORRECTION!… Auditions for this years fall play, “Play On!”, will be held TOMORROW, September 13 at 3:00 pm in the auditorium.  Please be prepared to read scenes from the show.  Scenes will be provided at the auditorium.

Student Driver’s School is currently registering students for Segment 1 driver’s training to be held at the high school October 1 -18, Mondays – Thursdays.  Segment 2 is also being offered at the high school October 23 – 25.  Pick up an information and registration card in the main office.

2012 Yearbooks will be distributed this Friday.  If you purchased last year’s yearbook, you will be called to the cafeteria during 6th hour to pick it up.

Pre-order your homecoming t-shirt this week!  Help support the cheer fundraiser and show your school spirit.  Shirts are just $12. for this years awesome design, “I Bleed Black and Gold” on the front with “Our Blood, Our Sweat, Their Tears” on the back.  Check it out!  Order forms are in the main office.

Alma College will be here on September 19th at 12:45 pm for a visit.  Please sign up in the counseling center.

College Night will be held at Northwood University on Thursday, September 27 from 6:30pm-8:00pm.  This is a great opportunity to meet with college, military, and technical school representatives.

Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship is now available.  Seniors involved in a Varsity Sport can apply online at 222.wendysheisman.com.  The first 25,000 completed applications automatically qualify for a $10 Wendy’s Gift Card.

Central Michigan University will be hosting CMU and You day on Saturday, September 29.  Seniors interested in CMU this is your chance to tour the campus, meet faculty, and learn about scholarships and financial aid.

Lions of Michigan Youth Exchange Program is looking for students interested in traveling to other countries.  If you are between 17 and 21 and are interested in learning more about this opportunity stop by and see Mrs. Brown.

CMU offers a number of prestigious scholarships for student who enter CMU from high school.  The Centralis Scholarship Competition will be held on Saturday, October 27.  If you have at least a 3.7 GPA and 27 ACT you are eligible to compete.  For more information go to www.go.cmich.edu/visit.

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