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Robotics Meeting TODAY at 3:00 in 4A.  New members welcome!

Attention Seniors!  Friday, September 21st is the last day to get your senior voting poll into Mrs. Discher or a yearbook staff member.

Alma College will be here on September 19th at 12:45 pm for a visit.  Please sign up in the counseling center.

Final rounds of elections will be done at the beginning of 6th hour on Wednesday September 19.

All students interested in Varsity Wrestling, including those interested in statistician positions, should meet Thursday, Sept 20th after school in the cafeteria.

Any seniors interested in riding and building the senior homecoming float in the parade, please contact Sam Tyrrell or Jake Hansen.

Dow Corning Corporation is offering an exciting opportunity for students to interact with professionals.  If you love math and want to learn how you can apply it to a career stop by the Counseling Office for more information.

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