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Middle School Principal News 9/19/12

Good Afternoon,
Thank you to all who were able to attend the open house last Thursday.   We enjoyed the opportunity to meet so many of our Middle School families.  Our fall Parent and Teacher Conference will take place the 23rd and 25th of October.  If you were unable to stop by for the open house, this will be another great opportunity to meet your child’s teachers.

Our Middle School Fundraiser ends this Thursday September 20th, please have your child return all fund raising forms.

The varsity football team will play Chesaning this Friday night at Chesaning and will return home for Homecoming on Friday September 28th.  As a reminder, this is also the 50 year celebration of the opening of Bullock Creek High School.  The Homecoming parade will begin at 4:30 on the corner of Stewart and Patterson.  Game time is 7:00pm.

Picture Day is October 2nd

Attached to this email is a letter I sent home yesterday in regard to student drop off.  We have changed a few things to help this flow a little more smoothly.  Please take time to look at these changes. drop off letter

If you have not registered for School View, please do so.  This is an excellent way to keep up on your child’s grades, attendance and have access to teacher email.  7th and 8th grade teachers are also utilizing our district webpage to post assignments.  If you would like to know what was done in your child’s classroom each day, go to our district website www.bcreek.k12.mi.us ,  click on groups on left side of the webpage, this will take you the district Wiki page, you will then need to select either 7th or 8th grade.  Within each page you can select a teacher to check the daily assignments.  6th grade parents should now be receiving a email each day indicating classroom activities.  If you have any questions, please contact the Middle School main office at 631-9260.

On Tuesday September 25th our 2H program will begin.  2H stands for Homework Help.  Any student may stay after school on Tuesday’s and Thursday from 2:30-3:30pm and receive extra help from a classroom teacher.  Tuesday’s will be in room 309 and Thursday’s will be in room 115.  Please encourage your child to attend f they need assistance with their homework.

Also starting on Tuesday September 25th is our Theater Mania Program.  This program is hosted by the Midland Center for the Arts and will run from September 25th until November 8th and will take place at the Middle School.  This program will be on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 2:30-4:40.  Attached is flyer detailing the program.Theatre program flyer

Sharing Tree and Community Christmas Closet information with be going home with Elementary students in Friday folders.  If you do not have an elementary student, then this information will be going home with your middle school or high school student. Please ask your student for this information.   Reminder that the forms need to be turned into the school no later than October 9, 2012.   Also the forms should be returned as a family packet to one building.


Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Hale

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