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Today at BCMS

Homecoming t-shirts on sale for $12 during lunch tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 25 and Friday, September 28.  Shop early to be sure to get your size.


Friday is Black & Gold Day, wear your Black & Gold


2H is in Rm #309 (Mr. Laughner’s Rm) tonight!


Next week, Bullock Creek Middle School, along with other Midland County schools will celebrate The Inter-National Day of Non-violence.  To help us celebrate this day, we will have “Blue Day” on Monday.  Everyone wear a blue shirt to show our support for this day.


Fall Theater Improv class starts today after school Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:00.


Picture Day is October 2nd.


Next week on Wednesday is Pink Out day-wear your pink to support Volley for a Cure.  Events start at 5:30 at the High School.


Lunch tomorrow: Turkey & Gravy or Popcorn Chicken, romaine salad, peas & carrots, broccoli, pears or bananas, and fresh fruit & Milk

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