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Attention All Athletes!  Open mat on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:00.

TOMORROW is PICTURE DAY!  Be sure you have the correct amount with your order form if ordering pictures.  The office cannot make change.

Did you get your Volley for a Cure T-shirt?  Wear yours tomorrow after pictures to support our “Pink Out” day!

Intrigued about a career in STEM?  Science, Technology, Engineering, Math…..Learn about these careers by participating in tours, demonstrations, and interacting with professionals from local companies including: Dow Chemical, Dow Corning, Three Rivers and others!  The first meeting will be held TOMORROW, October 2nd.  Visit the Career Center for more information.

Northern Michigan University will be here for a visit on October 4 at 2:00 pm.  Please sign up in the career/counseling center for this presentation.

There will be a Segment I driver training class offered at The Rock starting October 22.  Check kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for registration and more details.

Students interested in dual enrolling at Delta College for Winter 2013 must have all of their paperwork in and complete by October 8.

Sign up for the PSAT by Thursday, October 11.  The cost is $15.00, check or money order to BCHS.  There is a limited number of tests, so sign up today in the Counseling Center.

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