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Middle School Principal News 10/11/12

We have completed the first two of the MEAP, today is the third of the five days.  Only 7th grade will be testing today.  On Tuesday and Wednesday next week will be our last two days with the exception of MEAP makeup.

Attached is a flyer for The Salvation Army 2012 Christmas Assistance Sign-up. CHRISTMASFLYER

Attached is also a schedule from the Rock advertising events they will be hosting in October.

The school dance that was originally scheduled on October 18th has been moved to November 8th from 2:30-4:00pm.

October 23rd our 8th grade students will be traveling to the high school auditorium in the afternoon (1:30) to hear a presentation by Miss Michigan.  Her platform is “Keeping Kids Drug Free”.

Another reminder that Parent and Teacher conferences will be held on October 23rd and October 25th.  The 23rd will be from 4:00-7:30 and the 25th is from 3:00-6:30.  Please stop in to meet teachers and check your child’s progress.

Beginning on October 22nd, the Middle School will implement an Academic Center (AC) at the end of each day.  The Academic Center will run for the last 25 minutes of the school day (2:00-2:25).  The purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to fill out their planners, work on homework, meet with a teacher to receive help, prepare for projects/assessments or read.  Students will be assigned to an AC classroom, which will change each of the 9 weeks.  Students will however only be assigned to a teacher that they currently have. Students will have the opportunity during the day to request a pass from one of their teachers that they wish to receive help from during AC.  When AC begins, students will need to be either in their assigned AC with their planner, homework and a book to read or in the AC in which they received a pass from earlier in the day.  We feel that this provides students with a little more guided practice opportunity in regard to homework, time for students to organize themselves and an opportunity for teachers to meet with struggling students.  I am planning to send home a letter with students early next week which will describe our plan to move to an Academic Center schedule.

The Bullock Creek Youth Football program would like to invite the Bullock Creek community to the second annual Whitetails Unlimited Banquet.  This event will benefit the Bullock Creek Youth Football program.  Banquet and raffle tickets are available through the youth football families as well as online at the Whitetails Unlimited website.  You can also print the flyer and mail it in.  The banquet is Thursday, November 8th at The Grand in Freeland.  Youth Football Whitetails Unlimited Fundraiser

No school tomorrow as this is a teacher professional development day.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Hale


ROCKtober events




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