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Co-op’s:  All time sheets are due to Mrs. Flaminio TODAY.  New forms are in your mailbox.

A representative from CMU will be in the Counseling/Career Center tomorrow at 10:30 am.  Sign up for this presentation in the Counseling Center.

The parent meeting for this year’s Robotics season will be Wednesday, October 17th at 7:00 in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in joining the team this year you must be there or see Mrs. Doud before Wednesday.

A representative from Western Michigan University will be in the Counseling/Career Center on Oct. 17 at 10:00 am.  Sign up for this presentation in the Counseling Center.

Hey Lancers!  For those of you who ordered pictures at the Homecoming Dance…they are in!  Please see Mrs. DuBois in room 7B before school, after school or during *2nd* lunch by Wednesday Oct. 17 to pick up your discs.  If you still owe money for the pictures, you must bring the money to Mrs. DuBois before picking up your picture disc.

Help save a life. Sign up to give blood at the NHS blood drive on Friday, October 19th.  Sign up sheets are in the cafeteria during lunch hours.  First time donors must turn in their green sheets in the main office.

Northwood University will be here on Friday, October 19 at 1:30 p.m.  Sign up in the Counseling/Career Center if you are interested.

Sylvan Learning Center, in conjunction with Bullock Creek High School, will be administering a Practice ACT on Thursday, November 29.  Cost is $20.00 per student (check or money order to BCHS please).  Results of the test, along with tips and strategies, will be given on Thursday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m.  This night is for both students and their parents to attend.  Students interested in taking the Practice ACT need to register in the Counseling Office by Monday, November 26, 2012.

Please sign up in the Counseling/Career Center for the Lake Superior State University visit on October 22 at 1:45 p.m.

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