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Middle School Principal News 10/24/12

Good Morning,
I would like to thank all the parents that attended Parent and Teacher Conferences last night, we had an excellent turn out.  If you did not have the opportunity, we will have conferences again Thursday night from 3-6:30pm.

The end of first quarter is on November 2nd.  There still is a week and a half remaining for students to attempt to raise grades.

Fund raising orders will be delivered to the Middle School on Thursday October 25th.  Pick-up will take place at the Middle School on the 25th from 2:30-6:00pm.  Please stop by to collect your orders.

7th and 8th Grade boys basketball will begin actual practice at the Middle School the week of November 5th.  Details of this will be made through the daily announcements.  Currently there have been announcements for some open gym times at Jefferson Middle School in our daily announcements.

If you would like to view the daily announcements, they  are posted on our district website at www.bcreek.k12.mi.us   You can find them by clicking on News.  From there you can access the Middle School daily announcements.

So far I have received very positive feedback in regard to the implementation of Academic Center.  Parents have communicated that the combination of SchoolView, Wiki page/ 6th grade daily email and AC has helped parents and students stay much more organized and informed.  Please also remember that we have 2H (Homework Help) on Tuesdays and Thursday after school from 2:30-3:30pm.

The next school dance will be on November 8th from 2:30-4:00pm.

No school on November 9th.

Picture retakes will be on November 13th

Have a great week!

Mr. Hale

“Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know”  Daniel Boorstin

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