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Superintendent News 12/21/12

December 21, 2012

Dear Bullock Creek Students, Parents, and Staff:

With the Holiday break upon us and Christmas just a few days away it seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the events of this past week.

First and foremost, our hearts still break for the community of Newtown, Connecticut and specifically the 20 precious children and 6 heroes who died in such a senseless act.  As a father and an Educator, I cannot fathom such a tragedy.  My thoughts and prayers have been with them since the moment I first heard of this last Friday.

Here in Bullock Creek, I could not be more proud of the way our staff, students, and community have conducted themselves in the wake of such fear and uncertainty.  As always, your child’s safety is our primary concern.  We shall continue to be very vigilant in our security measures.  The District continues to work closely with the Midland County Sherriff’s Office regarding security.  In addition, we have worked closely with Tom Mynsberge, a retired Michigan State Police Tactical Specialist/Senior Sergeant, and his company Critical Incident Management.  Our administrators and staff have participated in Mr. Mynsberge’s trainings in order to learn and implement best practices in securing our schools.  Our students have been drilled in our safety measures and we will continue to educate them about how to be safe and respectful.

In addition and already planned prior to this horrific incident, the entrances to all five buildings will be retrofitted this summer to become much more secure.  In the mean time, we appreciate your understanding as we monitor and limit access to our buildings.

So, as the Holiday approaches and as our Nation struggles with how to respond to this and other tragedies I am asking that you join me in our neck of the woods by doing what we can do and controlling what we can control.  We can control how we treat each other.  We can control the patience and respect we have for each other and each other’s point of view.  Above all, we can treat our children like the precious gift that they are.

I hope you have a relaxing break and wonderful Holiday Season!

Take care.

Charles F. Schwedler


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