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Attention National Honor Society members:  We will meet TODAY in the Distance Learning lab at 2:55.  If you are unable to attend, you must contact Mrs. Landon or Ms. Rubingh.

Dow Corning is sponsoring a program called MATTERS which stands for Math Applied Towards Teaching Everyday, Relevant Subjects.  This program is for 9th through 12th grade students interested in an interactive learning opportunity.  Students will apply mathematical concepts to real life scenarios.  Pick up an application in the Career Center if you are interested.

Looking for something to do tomorrow evening?  Journeys Coffee House just down the road at the corner of Gordonville and Poseyville will be featuring Open Mic Night for all high school students starting at 7 PM.  Coming off the overwhelming success of the Afterglow Party following this years Talent Show, they are planning to host an Open Mic Night once a month.  So come to perform or just come to listen and support your fellow artists.  Don’t forget to enjoy a great beverage while you’re there.  A piano will be available.

Attention staff and students:  The National Honor Society is sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE this Friday!
When:  after school (1/18) from 3 – 8 pm
Where: located in the media center.
How:  If you are able to give, please sign up in the main office – if you are 16, take a green form – you must get a parent signature.  Bring your driver’s license and REMEMBER:   eat and drink plenty during the day.
Please, sign up and help out those in need! There will be basketball game against Shepherd that evening so please encourage any friends/family members to donate as well.

The Talent Show DVD’s are available to order for just $5 from Mrs. Doud in room 2A.  Ordering ends this Friday!

Visit kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com. for registration and more information on the January Segment 1 driver training class and the February Segment 2 class at The Rock.

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