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Middle School Principal News 01/17/13

Happy Thursday!

The annual ski trip to Snow Snake is scheduled for Feb. 13th. We will dismiss students attending the trip between 12:30 and 12:45 on Wednesday and return by 7:00 pm that evening. The cost is $12.00 for a lift ticket, $12.00 for ski rental, $22.00 for snowboard rental. Please have a ride at the middle school by 7:00pm to pick up your student. Parents interested in chaperoning can contact Mrs. Willsie.  Snow Snake requires students taking their own snowboards to have a metal edge around it. Students attending the trip are responsible for makeup work for their 5th and 6th hour classes.

Attached to my newsletter on the district webpage is an flyer advertising the sale of Bullock Creek window stickers and 16oz straw cups.  The cost is $7 for the stickers, $9 for the cups.  These will be on sale at high school home basketball games and during high school lunch periods.   StuCo Fundraising Flyer

Attached to my newsletter on the district webpage is a flyer for the Valentine balloon sales.  Please remember that balloons cannot be transported on the bus and students that receive them will need to be picked up from school the day of delivery.   

The Reality Store will take place tomorrow from 8-12pm.

Volleyball tryouts for 7th and 8th grade will begin on January 21st and take place from 2:45-4:45pm.

The Art Club will begin meeting on January 29th.  They will meet each Tuesday and Thursday until March 14th.

There is no school on January 25th.  The 24th marks the completion of the first semester.  The new semester will begin on January 28th.

Have a great week!

Mr. Hale

“You can’t get too much winter in the winter”   Robert Frost

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