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Today at BCMS

Explore the visual arts –ART CLUB starts January 29th thru March 14th.


7th & 8th Grade Volleyball  Practice starts today at 2:45 to 4:30.   Make sure to check the window at the office to be sure we have your physical form.  You can not practice without your physical in the office.


7th & 8th Boys Basketball Teams, please turn in your uniforms to the office.


Annual Ski Trip will be on Wednesday, Feb. 13th.  Permission Slips & Information are in the office. All money for the ski trip must be turned into Mrs. Willsie by Feb. 6. If you do not have the money and permission slips turned in by this date you will not be able to go on the trip.


Lunch tomorrow:  Chicken Buffalo Chips or Dippers or Hamburger, Romaine Salad, plus fresh fruit, vegetables, and Milk


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