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Today at BCMS

Lost and found items need to be claimed by Thursday, January 24.   Anything left will be donated or discarded on Friday.


2H today in Ms. Rinn’s Rm #115


Student Council members if you would like a sweatshirt please see Mrs. Willsie to get your order blank. The money is due February 6.


Explore the visual arts –ART CLUB starts Tuesday, January 29th.


LANCER LEADERS will meet on Tuesday, January 29th 2nd hour in Mrs. Brandt’s Room #305.


Annual Ski Trip will be on Wednesday, Feb. 13th.  Permission Slips & Information are in the office. All money for the ski trip must be turned into Mrs. Willsie by Feb. 6. If you do not have the money and permission slips turned in by this date you will not be able to go on the trip.


No School Tomorrow, enjoy your three day weekend.


Lunch Monday:  Popcorn Chicken or Fish Sandwich or Pizza, corn, plus fresh fruit, vegetables, and Milk


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