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Today of BCMS

Reminder:   8th graders will be attending the High School Orientation on Monday, Feb 11th.  We will leave the middle school at 11:45.  We will not return to the middle school at the end of the day.  Students who ride the bus will board their bus at the high school.  Those that get a ride home will need to make arrangements to be picked up at the high school.

Congratulations to all of our Honor Roll Students!!!  The Honor Roll list is posted at the office.

Student Council members if you would like a sweatshirt please see Mrs. Willsie to get your order blank. The money is due today before you go home.

Annual Ski Trip will be on Wednesday, Feb. 13th.  Permission Slips & Information are in the office. All money for the ski trip must be turned into Mrs. Willsie today. If you do not have the money and permission slips turned today before you leave school you will not be able to go on the trip.

Girls Softball & Boys Baseball Registration information in the office.

Popcorn on sale tomorrow in the cafeteria during lunch $1 or with cheese for $1.25

Bullock Creek Girl Scout Troop Service Unit Project wants to help Katie Johns and family.  We are asking to collect items in office.  There is a list in the office of the needed items.

Lunch tomorrow:  Fiesta Pizza or Chicken Sandwich or Cook’s Choice, plus fresh fruit, vegetables, and Milk


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