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Middle School Principal News 02/11/13

The 7th and 8th grade volleyball game for tonight will be canceled.  The first volleyball games will be on Wednesday February 13th beginning at 4:15pm.

There is a Middle School dance scheduled for February 14th from 2:30-4.  Admission is $2.00

Count day is February 13th.

The annual ski trip is scheduled for February 13th.  Students planning to attend, will leave school at approximately 12:30pm and will return to the Middle School at approximately 7:30pm.  Students are responsible to make up any missed class work as classes will continue for those not attending the ski trip.

Westown boys baseball and girls softball will be hosting sign-ups at the Homer Township Safety Center on February 9th and 16th from 9am-12pm.

The Middle School play will take place on February 28th at 7:00pm and March 2nd at 2:00pm in the high school auditorium.  The middle school students will travel to the high school on March 1st at 12:00pm to watch the play.  The play on March 1st will finish near the end of the school day and students will board the busses at the high school.  Please plan to pick your child up at the high school if they are not planning to ride a bus home.

The PowerPoint presentation from the CSC meeting at Jefferson Middle School last Wednesday evening is available for parents on the Midland County Circuit Court website. Go to midlandcounty.org, select departments, then circuit court.  On the right side of the webpage you can select the criminal sexual conduct presentation.  8th grade students will hear this presentation on February 21st from an attorney and judge from the Midland County court.  Opt out forms for the presentation were sent home last week with students for parents to sign if you feel you would rather your child not hear this presentation.  Please review the presentation and discuss it with your child before the presentation.

8th grade orientation, scheduled during the school day today will be rescheduled.  The parent meeting tonight at 6:00pm in the high school auditorium will also be rescheduled. We will send information home with students when we know the reschedule date.  I will also include information in my list serve.

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Hale

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”   Mother Teresa

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