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Floyd Launches “Make Every Day Count!” Initiative

Floyd Elementary Community School Model/Truancy Program

On February 15th we launched our new truancy incentive program with students and parents here at Floyd Elementary. This program comes from the evidence based Community School Model that we are now implementing here at Floyd Elementary as well.
All parents and students have the opportunity to earn incentives for getting students here, on time, staying all day, every day.
The GREEN, YELLOW AND RED Scale: We will be using a Green, yellow and red scale that shows how many absences your child has accrued.

0-3 Absences/Tardies/Leave Early= GREEN
GREEN= All incentives are given to parents and students.

4-5 Absences/Tardies/Leave Early= YELLOW
YELLOW= Left over incentives are given to parents unless they run out. Students are no longer eligible for monthly certificate, event or assembly UNLESS parents complete the items needed on the Attendance Agreement Plan.

6-10 Absences/Tardies/Leave Early= RED
RED=No incentives for parents and students. Students are no longer eligible for monthly certificate, event or assembly UNLESS parents can complete the items needed on the Attendance Agreement Plan and meet with the appropriate Community School Model Team members as specified in the plan.

Incentives for STUDENTS:

1. The Floyd Promise: Students will be getting necklaces with charms to be earned monthly. This signifies the commitment by the student to be to school on time, all day and every day. When our Success Coach calls students down for prizes, students need to have their bracelets to show our Success Coach and they can get their prize. No necklace, no prize. Only students with perfect attendance will be eligible for prizes. All students get a “clean slate” at the beginning of each month. At the end of each month, we will do the prize drawings.

2. Perfect Attendance events: For students who have perfect attendance every day for a full month, these students will be eligible for a certificate and a fun event or assembly, just for them. Each month students get to start over again to obtain the opportunity. Medical absences are not perfect attendance – there is always another chance next month . Students must be at school, every day, on time and all day long from first bell to last bell.

Incentives for PARENTS:

1. If you get your child to school every day, on time and for the full day, you could be eligible for free incentives. These incentives will vary from month to month. These products may include but are not limited to coats, hats, gloves, bug spray, SPF lotion, food, laundry or hygiene products.

2. Parents must stay in the GREEN part of the scale to obtain all of the incentive gifts.


We all benefit in that students that are in school daily typically have higher grades, higher reading levels, and better relationships with peers.
Special Note: Many thanks to Judge Doreen Allen and the Department of Human Services for their commitment to this program.

Kids First,
Rod Dishaw, Principal

Aricka Mealback, Title One Community Liaison

Chris Corbat, Success Coach

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