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Today at BCMS

What do princesses and bullfrogs have in common?  Nothing really but it makes for a hilarious show!  Next Thursday night at 7 pm and Saturday afternoon at 2 pm the middle school drama group will be performing “Hillbilly Reunion.” Come enjoy a good laugh!


Reminder to 8th graders:  9th grade Course Request sheets for next year are due to Mrs. Fermoyle by tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 26th. Make sure that you get them turned in.  If these are not turned in, then you will not be registered for classes next year.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Fermoyle.


2H today in Mr. Laughner’s Rm #309


Lunch tomorrow:  Turkey & gravy over pasta Or Chicken Patty on a bun, Romaine Vege Salad, plus fresh fruit and vegetables, and Milk

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