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Today at BCMS

What do princesses and bullfrogs have in common?  Nothing really but it makes for a hilarious show! Starts tonight at 7 pm and again on Saturday afternoon at 2 pm the middle school drama group will be performing “Hillbilly Reunion at the High School Auditorium.” Come enjoy a good laugh!

Any 6th grader that has their garbage bag orders please turn them into Mrs. Willsie tomorrow before school.

2H today in Mrs. Rinn’s Room #115

Students please do not remove items from our Bulletin Boards.  We are proud to display the work from our students.

Student council meeting next Tuesday, March 5th during AC.

Lunch tomorrow:  Cheeseburger or BBQ Chicken Nuggets with chips and cheese or Pizza Sticks, broccoli slaw, plus fresh fruit and vegetables, and Milk

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