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ASI will meet TODAY in room 2D.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are TOMORROW from 3 – 6:30.

Mock Interview is scheduled for this Friday, March 22.  Please see Mrs. Flaminio if you have a conflict.

Lancers – be sure you get your lunch charges paid up before spring break!   

Students interested in taking any AP Exam must sign up in the Counseling Center by Wednesday, March 27.

Junior’s interested in Co-oping:  Dow Corning has put their information online.  Visit the Career Center for more information.

Attention all Girls and Boys Basketball players:  Your end of the season banquet will be this Sunday, March 24th in the cafeteria.  The men’s basketball banquet will be at 4:00 and the women’s basketball banquet will be at 6:00.  Reminder:  Turn in any uniforms you may still have along with school issued combination locks from the winter season to Mr. Freeland in
room 7D.

ATTENTION SENIORS!  You MUST submit your senior portrait for the yearbook by spring break.  That’s next Thursday, March 28!!!  Portraits must be a head and shoulders shot with no props.  You can email digital copies to Mrs. Discher or hand in a hard copy to Mrs. Discher in room 5E.  If no portrait is submitted, your school photo will be used instead.

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