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The men’s basketball banquet will be at 4:00 this Sunday in the cafeteria and the women’s basketball banquet will be at 6:00. 

Students:  You must clean out all personal items from your hall and gym locker before you leave for Spring Break.  Items left in lockers will be thrown away!

ATTENTION SENIORS!  You MUST submit your senior portrait for the yearbook by spring break.  That’s next Thursday, March 28!!!  Portraits must be a head and shoulders shot with no props.  You can email digital copies to Mrs. Discher or hand in a hard copy to Mrs. Discher in room 5E.  If no portrait is submitted, your school photo will be used instead.

Be sure to remember your money on Monday.  Our food service would like you to pay off your lunch charges in the cafeteria before break!

Attention Seniors – Jostens will be here next week Wednesday, March 27th in the cafeteria.  You may pick up your announcements from 7:30 to 8:30 AND 10:50 to 12:30.

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