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Prom king and queen nominations will be held next Monday, April 15 during both lunch hours.  Voting for king and queen will be Wednesday, April 17.  Questions?  See Mrs. Sweebe or Mrs. Moody.  Remember, PROM is Saturday, April 27 at the Holiday Inn. 

Attention Jr’s interested in Co-oping:  MidMichigan Health and Dow Corning have posted their co-op positions online.  Deadlines are fast approaching!  Apply ASAP!  See Mrs. Flaminio if you have any questions.

Help support Bullock Creek High School’s Track and Field Program and enjoy a great meal at McDonald’s.  Stop in at the Sanford M-30 McDonald’s from 4-8pm on Thursday, April 11.  15% or your dine-in or drive-though bill will be donated to our Track and Field program.  The BC Track and Field team will be greeting customers in the dining room.  Hope to see you there!

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