Youth Basketball information is being sent home today.
Youth Football Registration tonight, April 24th at Floyd Elementary and May 2nd at Bullock Creek High School from 5PM – 7:30 PM.
Student Council and Lancer Leaders will have a Landscaping Day tomorrow, April 25th after school at 2:45.
A benefit for Katie K will be held on April 28th, for more information pick up a flyer in the office.
Midland Aviation Camp will be held June 17-21. For registration information pick up a flyer in the office.
Popcorn on sale tomorrow in the cafeteria during lunch $1 or with cheese for
Reminder school is closed on Friday-no student classes. It is a professional development day.
Dance next week on Thursday, May 2nd from 2:30-4PM, refreshments on sale in the cafeteria, cost for the dance is $2.
Lunch tomorrow: Tacos or Spicy Chicken Sandwich or Ham & Cheese Sandwich, smile potatoes, black been salsa, plus fresh fruit and vegetables, and Milk.