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Juniors:  TOMORROW is the Reality Store event.  Please remember to bring a pencil to your English 11 class.

Seniors: Please sign up with Mrs. Rubingh in room 2D if you are interested in singing at the graduation ceremony.  Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 8th @ 3:00 in the auditorium.

Covenant HealthCare Volunteer Services is now accepting applications for the Summer 2013 session of our High School Volunteer Program. Students may apply by accessing applications on Covenant’s website.

Attention seniors:  The count down to graduation has begun!!  The last day for seniors is Friday, May 24th.  All exams, books, fees, fines and sport materials need to be returned by
that date.  Be sure to read the signs posted in E-wing.  Due dates are important.

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