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Attention seniors:  The count down to graduation has begun!!  The last day for seniors is Friday, May 24th.  All exams, books, fees, fines and sport materials need to be returned by
that date.  Be sure to read the signs posted in E-wing because due dates are important.

Student Drivers School is taking registrations for monthly classes of both segment 1 and 2 in Midland.  Students from all schools are welcome.  Segment 1 in May begins next Monday, at a cost of $275, and there are still openings for summer classes as well.  For dates and times, and to register, please contact the office at 989-791-4300 or 1-800-513-1879.

Hey Lancers!  Want to be a part of the action?  Want to put on homecoming, help people in our school and community?  Run for a student council office!  Applications are available outside of Mrs. DuBois’s room (7B) May 3rd through May 10th.  They will be due on or before May 13.  Make a difference!  Help put the STUD in STUDENT COUNCIL! 

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