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Seniors:  Your last day of class is Friday, May 24th.  All exams, books, fees, fines and sport materials need to be returned by that date.  Be sure to read the signs posted in E-wing!

Hey Lancers!  Want to be a part of the action?  Want to put on homecoming, help people in our school and community?  Run for a student council office!  Applications are available outside of Mrs. DuBois’s room (7B) through this Friday, May 10th.  They will be due on or before May 13.  Make a difference!  Help put the STUD in STUDENT COUNCIL!

Seniors:  If you are interested in singing at the graduation ceremony, see Ms. Rubingh in room 2D to sign up.  Auditions are Wednesday!

The No-Detention Convention list has been posted in the window next to the office doors. The breakfast will take place during first hour on Wednesday, May 8th. The breakfast is for all those who have made it the entire year without getting a written warning, detention, in-school suspension, or out-of-school suspension. If you have questions regarding the No Detention Convention, please see Mr. Tomko.

We would like to congratulate all those who participated in the the Regional MITES competition. We had many students receive 1st through 6th place awards for their woodworking creations. An extra congratulations goes out to TJ Radosa who not only captured a first place award for his bow, but was also a division winner. Great job to all who participated. Your hard work throughout the semester has paid off.

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