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Seniors, here is your chance to brag.  Mrs. Brown would love to announce the many scholarships that you have earned during our Awards Night on May 21.  Please see her or leave a note with the name of the scholarship(s) and its value.

Attention Seniors:  Time is ticking down.  Collection for presentation flowers ($3.00 each), All Night Lock In ($10.00) and Pictures ($10.00) is going on now.  The last day to order flowers is May 23rd.  See Ms. Rubingh or Mrs. Flaminio to register.  No checks, please.  Exact change is helpful.

Hey Lancers!  Don’t forget to pick up your student council application outside of Mrs. DuBois’s room (7B) by tomorrow.  They will be due on or before May 13.  Help make a difference! 

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