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Today at BCMS

Any 8th grader interested in being on student council as a ninth grader needs to see Mrs. Willsie no later than 6th hour Tuesday May 21.


8th grade girls sign up in the office for 9th grade Volleyball and pick up camp information and a calendar.


Do you have a big idea or an invention or project that you want to take to the next level?  You should apply for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy or YEA!  YEA will be offering this program and will take you through the process of brainstorming a business idea, writing a business plan, pitching a plan to investors (sort of like Shark Tank meets American Idol meets the Apprentice).    Start as a student and finish as a CEO of your own company.  Please sign up in the office and pick up your application  The Midland Chamber of Commerce will be here on Friday, May 31st during AC to talk with interested students.


The Band Boosters are offering a DVD of the concerts for this school year for $10. See the band page on the school website for more information.


Any student interested in information in regards to the Grace a Dow Memorial Library 2013 summer volunteer program please stop by the office for more details.  Starts June 5-August 10th.


7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball for next year, sign up in the office.  Limited number on the team!  Sign up early.


Youth Basketball information available in the office.


Midland Aviation Camp will be held June 17-21. For registration information pick up a flyer in the office.


8th Grade Team Building Event at the Rock on Thursday, June 6th during school.  The forms and money are due today.


All library books need to be returned by FRIDAY, MAY 24th If you have missing books, those fines need to be paid by the end of the year.


Lunch tomorrow:  Turkey & Gravy over biscuits or Chicken Sandwich or Pizza or Chips & Cheese, corn, fresh vegetables or fruit, and Milk.


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