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Today at BCMS

Please remind students that their library books need to be returned ASAP!!!!!


If they do not return their books, or pay any book fines before the end of the year, they WILL NOT receive their report card!!!


Current 8th grade boys and girls interested in participating in the HS basketball summer camp and games are reminded to turn their registration in to Mr. Freeland at the HS by the end of the school year.


8th grade girls sign up in the office for 9th grade Volleyball and pick up camp information and a calendar.


Any student interested in information for the Grace a Dow Memorial Library 2013 summer volunteer program please stop by the office for more details.  Starts June 5-August 10th.


7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball for next year, sign up in the office.  Limited number on the team!  Sign up now.


Midland Aviation Camp will be held June 17-21. For registration information pick up a flyer in the office.


Lunch Monday:  Pizza or Cheeseburgers or Corn Dogs, steamed broccoli, fresh vegetables or fruit, and Milk.

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