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Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year!

Welcome Back!

It seems like just yesterday we were sending our graduates off to their next adventure in life, and now it is time to start another new school year.  I would like to take a few moments to welcome everyone to the 2011-12 school year in the Bullock Creek School District.

This has been an extremely busy summer around the district.  Contrary to what many people think, not everyone in the district takes a break from July till September.  While some staff do get the summer off, our support staff use this time to make repairs and ready the schools and grounds for the new year.  Many teachers use the summers to take required course work, while others have worked to revamp curriculum.  Our administrators have developed schedules and made sure the academic and extracurricular program needs are met.  From my vantage point, our classrooms, athletic fields and the gym have been extremely busy with students attending academic programs, camps and conditioning programs to better themselves over the summer.

Each new school year brings new challenges, excitement and new beginnings.  A school district is like the individuals in it and cannot rest on successes from the past but must push hard to make sure that the legacy of success continues for future years.

I continue to get very excited as I begin my second year as Superintendent of Schools in Bullock Creek.  I am often asked; “How do you like your new job?”  I can honestly say that I love it!  I don’t always love the tough financial times we are in, but I absolutely love the focus that our Board of Education, Staff and Parents have on our Kids…a focus on achievement and the overall betterment of each student.  It is truly a privilege to serve the Bullock Creek Schools in this capacity.

To the parents of the district:  Let me once again reinforce my belief that your children are the greatest resource we have as a school and a community.  Our kids have proven they are a truly talented group and have increased my optimism for the future.  I am sure everyone will agree that the children of Bullock Creek deserve an outstanding education that will help ensure a promising future for each of them, yet in these tenuous economic times we as a district continue to be aware of the need to offer this education at a reasonable cost to the taxpayers.  I believe that through clear and open communication between the school, family, and community we can continue to work together to offer our children the best possible beginning to a successful future.

To the students of Bullock Creek:  I hope you also feel the excitement and enthusiasm for a terrific new school year.  Take advantage of all that is available within your school, make sure you work hard, play hard, and enjoy all that the Bullock Creek School District has to offer in both curricular and extracurricular activities.  Most of all, take pride in yourself, your friends, teams, and your school.  Enjoy every accomplishment, no matter how big or how small.  Together with the help and support of your family, your teachers, and your classmates, you can do anything you set your mind to.  Good luck and best wishes for a great school year!

It’s a Great Day to be a Lancer!!

Charlie Schwedler

Superintendent of Schools

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