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Seniors, it is time to start scholarships!  Check out the new postings in the Career Center or on our website.

The Robotics Team will be meeting Sunday Sept. 15th from 2-5 at 2208 E. Stewart Rd.  Please come join in the fun as we work on the float.

NHS members are reminded that we will be holding an officer meeting after school on Monday 9/16 at 2:50 in room 3D.  We will be holding a full group meeting on Thursday 9/19 at 3:00 in the distance learning lab.
Please see an adviser if you cannot attend.

Hey Lancers!  The 2013 Homecoming Dance will be held at Bullock Creek High School on Saturday September 21 from 8-11 pm.  You can buy your tickets through next Friday at both lunches.  Tickets are $12 for a single or $20 for a couple.  Get them soon before we run out!

All student council members!!  There is a full council meeting on Tuesday morning, September 17, at 7am in Mrs. DuBois’s room.  Be there and be ready to participate!  We have a lot of stuff to talk about!

Hey Lancers…show your school spirit by dressing up for the spirit days!  We’ve made them easy so EVERYONE can participate!   
   Monday is Cozy Day!  Wear your coziest sweats, slippers, sweatshirts, etc.  Nope…no yoga pants–remember to keep it school appropriate!
   Tuesday is Stop Light Day!  You already have a date for the dance?  Wear red.  Need a date?  Wear green!  Not sure of the situation?  Wear yellow!
   Wednesday is Hawaiian Day!  Put on your favorite flower print, your flip flops and your flowered lei.  Keep it school appropriate, people!
   Thursday is Tie Dye day!  Finally a chance to put on those multi-colored t-shirts!
   Of course…Friday is Black and Gold Day!  You know how to dress for that!  GO CREEK!

Here they are, Lancers!  Here are the final results of your homecoming voting for the underclassmen and girls!   
   Your Freshman representatives are Malcolm Hatter and Courtney Cross.
   Your Sophomore representatives are Levi Gagne and Kenzie Bissell.
   Your Junior representatives are Jaylain Henderson and Hannah Heldt.
Congratulations to all of the students who were nominated!  Remember…the king and queen will be crowned at halftime of the homecoming football game on Sept. 20.  There will be a brief meeting after school TODAY for ALL court members in room 7B–Mrs. DuBois’s room.  BE THERE!

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