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9-15-13 Pine River Principal News

Welcome back to a new school year!  The past two weeks have flown by and we are definitely off and running!   Thank you to all of the third and fourth grade parents who were able to attend Curriculum Night.  Fifth grade Curriculum Night is this Tuesday, September 17 at 6:00 p.m.  If you were not able to make it to the informational night, please contact your child’s teacher for a copy of the information which was provided.


Bullock Creek High School Homecoming is this Friday, September 20.  Please see the below note if you are interested in walking in the Homecoming Parade with your child.


To celebrate Homecoming, the following activities are planned for Spirit Week:

Monday – Pajama Day/Favorite Stuffed Animal Day

Tuesday – Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday – Favorite Hat Day

Thursday – Wacky Outfit Day

Friday – Black and Gold Day


The first Box Tops contest began on Friday, September 13 and runs through Friday, October 4.  Please be sure the student’s name is on the bag or container.


MEAP testing is right around the corner.  The following dates are set for testing.  It is important that students are at school during the testing windows:

Tuesday, October 8 – ALL 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking the Reading Assessment – Day 1

Wednesday, October 9 – ALL 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking the Reading Assessment – Day 2

Thursday, October 10 – Fourth graders will be taking the Writing Assessment – Day 1

Tuesday, October 15 – ALL 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking the Math Assessment

Wednesday, October 16 – Fourth graders will be taking the Writing Assessment – Day 2

–   Fifth graders will be taking the Science Assessment


Have a great week!



Debra Bradford, Principal Pine River Elementary



Friday, September 20th @ 4:30 p.m.


We would like to invite you and your child to participate in the Bullock Creek Homecoming Parade.  The parade begins at the corning of Patterson and Stewart  Roads. Parade entries will be lined up on Patterson Road and will proceed down Stewart to Badour, and will end at the high school parking lot. You may park at the high school parking lot and take the school bus shuttle to the parade line up on  Patterson Road. The shuttle will run from 3:40–4:00 p.m. and the parade will begin at 4:30 p.m.

 Bullock Creek and Pine River will be grouped together. You are welcome to bring candy to hand out along the parade route. The parade route is about two miles long, so please make a determination if your young child can walk the route. Or, you may  want to pull your child in a small wagon.  You are responsibile for your child throughout the entire parade route.

All Pine River Elementary students are to be accompanied by a parent or adult arranged by the parent. Therefore, Bullock Creek Elementary students will not be checking out at the end of the parade as they will already be with their parent or adult. It will be a fun and enjoyable evening.

 If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Krueger or Mrs. Bradford.

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