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There will be a meeting tomorrow after school for all Homecoming Court representatives.  Please meet on the football field for a quick run-through of Friday night’s program.

Assembly Committee!  Our meeting is tomorrow after school.  This is a mandatory meeting for all assembly committee members!

“Roxanne” sign up sheets for the assembly are in the main office now.  Sign up for the chance to be a part of the Homecoming Pep Assembly.

Don’t miss the Bullock Creek vs. Meridian High School “Mighty Wings Eating Contest” tomorrow from 6 – 8pm at the Sanford McDonald’s restaurant!

Popcorn sales!  Every Tuesday and Thursday during lunches for just $1.00 a bag.  Grab some at lunch tomorrow!

Today is the last day to register for the program “A Career in Medicine for High School Students”.  For information, visit the Counseling and Career Center.

Interested in the Explorers Program?  Dow Chemical, Dow Corning, MidMichigan Medical Center, and other local businesses are committed to being Explorer Posts.  There is an important meeting on September 25th. 
Visit the Career Center for more information.

The after school program, “Jump Start” is once again running a Construction Program featuring a variety of hands-on opportunities to learn practical skills and safety in the construction and skilled trades field. This program is for students between the ages
of 14 through 18.  To find out more information, visit the Career Center.

The Navy representative will be here on Monday, September 23, at 9:00 am to discuss the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship Opportunity.  More information about this scholarship is available in the Career/Counseling Center when you sign up for this meeting.

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