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Hey Lancers!  Pick up your Homecoming picture in Mrs. DuBois’s room–7B–after school TODAY!

The deadline to register for the PSAT is rapidly approaching.  If you are planning to take the PSAT, please bring in a $15 check or money order to BCHS and stop in the Counseling Center to sign up. The deadline is Thursday, October 10.

There will be a Segment I driver education course starting October 28th and a Segment II driver ed class starting November 11th at The Rock.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for registration and details.

The blood drive will be October 18th.  First time donors must fill out a green form and return it to the office.  If you are 16 you must have a parent’s signature.

A Navy representative will be here to discuss a scholarship opportunity on Wednesday, October 9 at 9:00 and 10:00.  Please sign up in the Career/Counseling Center.

Winter Sport – Men’s and Women’s basketball, wrestling, cheerleading – sign up is now in the main office.  There will be a “meet the coach” informational meeting next Thursday, October 10.  You MUST be signed up in order to attend Thursday’s meeting.

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