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Weekly Newsletter October 3, 2013

Good Afternoon,

Next week begins the 2013 MEAP testing dates.  Students will be testing on October 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th and 16th.  We encourage all students to have good attendance, come to school prepared, get lots of rest and be ready to test.  Thank you for your help.
Picture retakes are on October 15th. Pictures from the first picture day have come in and will be going home with students today.
Parent and Teacher conferences are on October 15th from 4-7:30pm and October 17th from 3-6:30pm.
Skyward/ Family Access- If you have not yet set up your account to view your child’s grades and would like some assistance in doing so, please contact the Middle School office at 631-9260.  If you have your account set up and are not quite sure how to access specific information, please contact the Middle School office.
Teachers have been doing a wonderful job of posting information on the district wiki page each day.  If you are searching to find current class activities when encouraging the completion of homework with your child, check out the district wiki page.  If you need assistance learning how to access the wiki page, feel free to contact the Middle School office.
If you are wanting to provide a bus pass for your child, it must be either hand written and signed by a parent/guardian or in an email to the either Heidi Pitt (pitth@bcreek.org) or Bev McCaffrey (mccaffreyb@bcreek.org).
Boys can now signup for 7th or 8th grade basketball in the main office.
Sharing Tree and Community Christmas Closet Forms are now available.  These forms were sent home the week of September 16th for those families that are eligible for Free and Reduced lunch.  If these programs apply to you, please ask your child for the form that they should be bringing home from school.   If you need more forms or did not receive them or if you have any questions, please contact Jackie Fermoyle, BCMS School Counselor for the forms (631-2418,  EXT. 1407).  Please pay close attention to the deadlines for returning the forms.  Also we are asking that all the forms be turned in by family as a group to one building.


No school on October 11th.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Hale
“If you want to play a game, go to where it’s played and find a way to get in.  Things happen when you get in the game.”  Chris Matthews

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