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Students attending Delta tomorrow with Mrs. Flaminio should report to their first hour for roll.

There will be no bus passes to The Rock this Friday due to a Middle School event there.

“Athletes for a Cure” continues as Varsity Football dedicates tomorrow’s game to cancer awareness.   So many have been affected by this health crisis and understand its devastating effects.  Please join our athletes in making a difference by promoting cancer awareness.   We encourage everyone to wear pink tomorrow — it’s time for a CREEK PINK OUT.

The Bullock Creek High School Equestrian Team will be raffling off a Lancers landscaping stone along with three $50 gift cards to The Creek Grill this Friday at the Football Game.
Tickets will be sold before the game until halftime when the winners will be announced.  Tickets are one for $1 or six for $5.

Grand Valley State University will be here for a visit on Monday, October 28, at 8:15 a.m.  Sign up in the Counseling Center.

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