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Segment I driver ed class at The Rock is OPEN today.

The Rock Youth Center is offering Driver’s Education Scholarships. If you need assistance paying for driver’s ed, please stop by the Career Center to pick up a scholarship application.

Black & Gold Card holders:  You may get your free cookie TOMORROW at lunch if you did not receive one today.

Be the Change team members there will be a planning meeting after school TOMORROW in the cafeteria.  If you would like to help with plans for the Week of Nonviolence, please plan to stay after school for this meeting.
Attention seniors!
Your senior voting poll is due THIS Friday, November 1st!  Turn in your form to  any yearbook staff member or to Mrs. Discher in 5E.  If you want your vote counted, you have to submit your form ON TIME!!

Reminder to all Boys and Girls Basketball players that optional pre-season conditioning sessions are run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school.  Also a reminder to all Boys and Girls Basketball intending to try out in November you need to return your paper work to Coach Freeland in room 7D ASAP.

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=5838