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11-21-13 Pine River Principal News






Dear Parents,


The month of November is definitely flying by!  Next Tuesday will mark the end of the first trimester of grading for students.  Report cards will be sent home with students on December 9.  If you have not checked Skyward for current information on your child’s grades, you will want to do so before the marking period ends.


There will be no school on Wednesday, November 27.  In addition, the last day of school before winter break will be Friday, December 20.  Students will attend the Bullock Creek High School Band concert on the morning of the 20th and then Christmas parties will be held in the afternoon.  Students will return to school on Monday, January 6, 2014.


Please continue to collect Box Tops, Coke Codes, Campbell’s labels, Aunt Millie’s School Spirit UPC’s. 


PTO is in need of one volunteer to help with the Book Fair at Pine River on December 10 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. and two volunteers from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. on the same date.  If you are interested, please contact Shannon Whyte at 615-9509.


It’s that time of year when students need to be wearing warm coats, hats, gloves and scarves.  Even though we remind students frequently not to share hats and scarves (headbands, hair ties, too), students still continue to do so.  With that being stated, if you have not already gotten into the weekly habit of checking your child’s head for lice, this is a good time to begin the habit. 


Attached you will find the following:

  • Mr. Rutterbush’s Physical Education Newsletter
  • Mrs. Griggs’/Ms. Rooker’s Art/Music Newsletter
  • Santa Calling Flyer
  • Opportunity to give to the Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan


Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your family time during the Thanksgiving holiday.


Debra Bradford

PineRiver Elementary


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