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Today at BCMS

Middle School play practice starts today from 2:30 – 4:00 in Sra. Brandt’s room.


Wrestling Make Up Competition is tomorrow starting at 4PM.


Sign up for 7th & 8th Girls Volleyball in the office. You will need a Physical Form before Volleyball Tryouts. Practice will start January 20th from 3:15-5PM.


The date for the Annual BCMS Ski Trip is Thursday, February 6.  More information and permission slips in the office. Permission slips and money are due by January 31st.


Popcorn on sale Thursday at lunch.  $1 popcorn or cheesy popcorn for $1.25.


Lunch tomorrow: Chicken Patty on a Bun or Pizza, carrot sticks, cauliflower bites, normandy mixed vegetables, fresh fruit and milk.


Weekly Reminders 2H on Tuesday’s in Mr. Laughner’s Room and on Thursday’s in Mrs. Rinn’s Room, Popcorn on sale during lunch on Thursdays.

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