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Pine River Principal News 8/17/11

Dear Pine River Families:

We are gearing up for another wonderful year at Pine River Elementary.  The finishing touches from the custodial crew will be occurring in the next few weeks.  Teachers are in the process of setting up their classroom for the new ‘batch’ of students!

Please mark your calendars for August 31st from 5:30 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. for our annual open house night.  This is a great chance to see your child’s classroom, meet your child’s teachers, and get reacquainted with friends after a long summer break.  We really look forward to seeing you.

You may also want to mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 4 at Bullock Creek Elementary for the first PTO meeting of the year.  Our parent group is always looking for more members.

Enjoy the remaining days of summer!


Mrs. Bradford

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