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The after school program at Floyd Elementary has been canceled for today.

Juniors interested in Co-oping:  Your packets are due February 12th.  If you have not picked one up yet, please see Mrs. Flaminio.

Members First Credit Union is having a food drive at our school branches and for every 3 items you donate your name will be entered into a drawing for a gift card of your choice!  Stop by our branch today to find out about how you can get involved in the Community Difference Project!

Are you headed to college in the fall?  Members First Credit Union awards 7 students with $1,000.  scholarships each year to help pay for college expenses.  Applications are being accepted through March 7, 2014.  Stop by the branch or the main office to pick up an application, or print one off our website at mfcu.net.

Seniors, now is the time to get serious about scholarships.  There are many opportunities to earn scholarships.  Check out our website or the bulletin board in D-Wing.

Parents of sophomores are invited to attend an important meeting TOMORROW at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  Topics that will be covered include graduation requirements, class options for the student’s junior year, Michigan Merit Exam, and off campus program opportunities.   Students interested in off campus programs must attend this meeting with a parent.

Parents of juniors are invited to attend a special meeting which will focus on senior year.  Please plan to attend this important meeting TOMORROW at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  Graduation requirements, off campus program opportunities, college and technical school visits, college applications, college entrance exams, scholarships, financial aid, Career Center, and work-based learning will be topics addressed at the meeting.  Students interested in off campus programs must attend this meeting with a parent.

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