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Today at BCMS

This week, we celebrate the Week of Nonviolence as a school.  Please show your school spirit and join us in our efforts by celebrating nonviolence and our stance against bullying.


Todays Bullying Facts & Statistics: According to bullying statistics, 1 out of every 10 students who drop out of school does so because of repeated bullying.  Harassment and bullying have been linked to 75% of school-shooting incidents.


Attention 8th graders :     Please remember to turn in your signed Course Selection Sheets for next year to Mrs. Fermoyle.  These need to be turned in no later than Friday, Feb. 14th !!!


Next Dance on Thursday Feb 13. right after school at 2:30.  It costs $2 to get into the dance. Refreshments sold in the cafeteria.


Art Club Afterschool Program by Midland Center for the Arts starts March 18th, sign up in the office.  Art club will be on Tuesday & Thursdays from 2:30-4PM.  $20 material fee with scholarships available.  Limited to the first 15 students to sign up.


Lunch Monday: Chicken Tenders with Potato Triangles or Chili with Beans and served with Scoops, Carrot Sticks, Broccoli Bites, Steamed Corn, fresh fruit and milk.


Weekly Reminders 2H on Tuesday’s in Mr. Laughner’s Room and on Thursday’s in Mrs. Rinn’s Room, Popcorn on sale during lunch on Thursdays.

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